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KC Mitchell | That1LegMonster Collab-Beard Octane

KC Mitchell | That1LegMonster Collab


Beard Octane and KC Mitchell Join Forces to Inspire Men Everywhere

Today, beards are sported by men everywhere and seen across all walks of life. This has led to the rise of businesses focused on providing beard care products to an ever-growing segment of the population. One of those companies is Beard Octane, founded by a man named Joe.

Recently, Beard Octane has teamed up with someone who wears his beard proudly and has quite a story behind him. KC Mitchell is an internationally recognized powerlifter, US Army veteran, and motivational speak who lost his leg while in the military after being deployed in Afghanistan. The harrowing events that occurred while part of a first striker team that was hit by an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) would forever change his life. Not only did he sustain second and third-degree burns, but he also found himself with a broken forearm and numerous shrapnel wounds. The day would soon come when KC, who had lost all feeling in his left leg, would make the decision to get his leg amputated. While initially it was something he struggled with, he ultimately figured out how to reverse the downward spiral he was in.

KC was able to regain his confidence and self-esteem after rediscovering fitness, as well as growing what could be one of the most striking beards anyone have ever seen. He had caught the eye of Beard Octane, leading to a collaboration to create a product line of beard care products that matches KC's persona.

Known as "That 1 Leg Monster" and being an award-winning powerlifter, KC has not allowed the amputation of his leg to stop him from living his life to the fullest. After getting an artificial limb, he decided to beat his depression and anxiety by putting in a great amount of time and dedication into his fitness journey. Since making that commitment to himself, he has been marked by American Cup Powerlifting as benching 424 lbs, as well as performing a 435 lb squat and 600 lb deadlift.

Photo Credit: The Athlete Daily

The radical departure from the dark days that KC experienced after losing his leg was accompanied by changing the way he looked. Growing his iconic Viking-style beard would become a part of his new identity and persona, helping him distance himself even further from the tragic events that befell him in Afghanistan.

As a nod to how growing out his defining beard helped shape who he now is, KC has teamed up with Beard Octane to develop an exclusive line of beard care products. The new scent that has been cooked up by the facial hair experts at Beard Octane is a manly blend of scents that includes hints of bergamot, mint, amber, rose, sandalwood & honor. The product line features a beard oil, butter, and balm, providing everything any man needs to sport a healthy and great-looking beard like the one adorning KC Mitchell’s face.

This new line of beard care products is now available exclusively through Beard Octane. KC’s story has inspired men the world over to reclaim their confidence and self-esteem by becoming the best versions of themselves. A great-looking beard can be a part of that formula.  

"Quitting is Dying" - KC Mitchell

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