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  • Best Beard Styles for 2022-Beard Octane
    März 31, 2022

    Best Beard Styles for 2022

    Beards have the power of completely changing man’s aesthetics. Gone are the days when beards were just the “thing” on your face. Beards of today are perfectly coiffed, moisturized, and could be the confidence boost you never knew you needed. ...

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  • How To Grow A Healthy Beard-Beard Octane
    März 10, 2022

    How To Grow A Healthy Beard

    Trying to grow out a solid, healthy beard, and worried about what people will think?  There was a time when beards were unfashionable. The minute that first strand of facial hair peeks out, your best friend becomes the shaving cream,...

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  • KC Mitchell | That1LegMonster Collab-Beard Octane
    November 10, 2021

    KC Mitchell | That1LegMonster Collab

      Beard Octane and KC Mitchell Join Forces to Inspire Men Everywhere Today, beards are sported by men everywhere and seen across all walks of life. This has led to the rise of businesses focused on providing beard care products...

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  • How to Stop Beard Dandruff-Beard Octane
    Juni 22, 2021

    How to Stop Beard Dandruff

    Beard dandruff, unaffectionately called beardruff, is a scourge that men everywhere will face at some point. The unwanted flakes of skin that show up in your beard are caused by a few factors, such as dry skin, sensitive skin, and...

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  • 4 Unusual Uses for Beard Oil-Beard Octane
    März 28, 2021

    4 Unusual Uses for Beard Oil

    As its name suggests, beard oil is used for, well, beards. However, there are far more uses for this staple in every bearded man’s grooming kit that you may not know about. It is not just for beards, and an...

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  • Essential Winter Beard Care Tips-Beard Octane
    Februar 28, 2021

    Wichtige Tipps zur Pflege des Winterbarts

    Im Winter ist die Luft trocken und kalt. Es macht nie Spaß, diese Kombination zu haben, und es macht noch weniger Spaß, wenn Sie einen Bart haben. Sicher, Ihr Bart wird Ihnen eine zusätzliche Wärmeschicht geben, wenn Sie draußen in...

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  • Collagen For Thicker Beard Growth – Is It Worth It?-Beard Octane
    November 20, 2020

    Kollagen für Bärte - es lohnt sich?

    Sie haben wahrscheinlich davon gehört Kollagen irgendwann in den letzten Jahren. Es wurde viel über dieses Protein geredet, das in unserem Körper am häufigsten vorkommt. Das liegt an den fast wundersamen Wirkungen auf Haut und Haare. Dieses Protein kommt im...

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